728x90 반응형 SMALL 영어145 영문 소설 버트런드 러셀의 철학의 문제들 영어 소설 THE PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY THE PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHYBy Bertrand RussellContents .PREFACECHAPTER I.APPEARANCE AND REALITYCHAPTER II.THE EXISTENCE OF MATTERCHAPTER III.THE NATURE OF MATTERCHAPTER IV.IDEALISMCHAPTER V.KNOWLEDGE BY ACQUAINTANCE AND KNOWLEDGE BY DESCRIPTIONCHAPTER VI.ON INDUCTIONCHAPTER VII.ON OUR KNOWLEDGE OF GENERAL PRINCIPLESCHAPTER VIII.HOW A PRIORI KNOWLEDGE IS POSSIBLECHAPTER IX.THE WORLD OF UNIVERSALS.. 2024. 9. 12. 영어 소설 아서 코난 도일의 주홍색 연구 영문소설 A STUDY IN SCARLET A STUDY IN SCARLETBy A. Conan DoyleCONTENTSA STUDY IN SCARLET.PART I.CHAPTER I. MR. SHERLOCK HOLMES.CHAPTER II. THE SCIENCE OF DEDUCTION.CHAPTER III. THE LAURISTON GARDENS MYSTERYCHAPTER IV. WHAT JOHN RANCE HAD TO TELL.CHAPTER V. OUR ADVERTISEMENT BRINGS A VISITOR.CHAPTER VI. TOBIAS GREGSON SHOWS WHAT HE CAN DO.CHAPTER VII. LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS.PART II. THE COUNTRY OF THE SAINTSCHAPTER I. ON TH.. 2024. 9. 10. 영어 소설 단테 알리기에리의 신성한 코미디 영문 소설 THE DIVINE COMEDY There stood I like the friar, that doth shriveA wretch for murder doom’d, who e’en when fix’d,Calleth him back, whence death awhile delays.He shouted: “Ha! already standest there?Already standest there, O Boniface!By many a year the writing play’d me false.So early dost thou surfeit with the wealth,For which thou fearedst not in guile to takeThe lovely lady, and then mangle her?”I felt as those .. 2024. 9. 10. 영문 소설 로버트 W. 챔버스의 노란색 왕 영어 소설 THE KING IN YELLOW THE KING IN YELLOWBYROBERT W. CHAMBERSOriginal publication date: 1895THE KING IN YELLOWIS DEDICATEDTOMY BROTHERAlong the shore the cloud waves break,The twin suns sink behind the lake,The shadows lengthenIn Carcosa. Strange is the night where black stars rise,And strange moons circle through the skiesBut stranger still isLost Carcosa. Songs that the Hyades shall sing,Where flap the tatters of th.. 2024. 9. 8. 영어 소설 톰 소여의 모험, 마크 트웨인 완성 영문 소설 HE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYERBY MARK TWAIN(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)CONTENTSCHAPTER I.Y-o-u-u Tom—Aunt Polly Decides Upon her Duty—Tom Practices Music—The Challenge—A Private EntranceCHAPTER II.Strong Temptations—Strategic Movements—The Innocents BeguiledCHAPTER III.Tom as a General—Triumph and Reward—Dismal Felicity—Commission and OmissionCHAPTER IV.Mental Acrobatics—Attending Sunday—School—The S.. 2024. 9. 8. 영어 소설 존 로크의 정부론 2 영문 소설 SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENTby JOHN LOCKE SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENTby JOHN LOCKEDigitized by Dave Gowan. John Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government” was published in 1690. The complete unabridged text has been republished several times in edited commentaries. This text is recovered entire from the paperback book, “John Locke Second Treatise of Government”, Edited, with an Introduction, By C.B. McPherson, Hackett Publishing Company,.. 2024. 9. 7. 이전 1 ··· 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ··· 25 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST