728x90 반응형 SMALL 영문소설30 영어 소설 H.G.웰스의 보이지 않는 남자: 그로테스크한 로맨스 영문 소설 The Invisible Man The Invisible ManA Grotesque Romanceby H. G. WellsContentsI. The strange Man’s ArrivalII. Mr. Teddy Henfrey’s first ImpressionsIII. The thousand and one BottlesIV. Mr. Cuss interviews the StrangerV. The Burglary at the VicarageVI. The Furniture that went madVII. The Unveiling of the StrangerVIII. In TransitIX. Mr. Thomas MarvelX. Mr. Marvel’s Visit to IpingXI. In the “Coach and Horses”XII. The i.. 2024. 9. 25. 영어 소설 칼 폰 클라우제비츠의 전쟁론 영문 소설 On Warby General Carl von Clausewitz On Warby General Carl von ClausewitzTRANSLATED BY COLONEL J.J. GRAHAM1874 was 1st edition of this translation. 1909 was the London reprinting.NEW AND REVISED EDITION WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BYCOLONEL F.N. MAUDE C.B. (LATE R.E.)EIGHTH IMPRESSION IN THREE VOLUMESContents INTRODUCTION PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION NOTICE THE INTRODUCTION OF THE AUTHORBRIEF MEMOIR OF GENERAL CLAUSEWITZBOOK I.O.. 2024. 9. 24. 영어 소설 프랜시스 호지슨 버넷의 비밀의 정원 영문 소설 THESECRET GARDEN "IT SEEMED SCARCELY BEARABLE TO LEAVE SUCH DELIGHTFULNESS"—Page 231THESECRET GARDENBYFRANCES HODGSON BURNETTAuthor of"The Shuttle," "The Making of a Marchioness," "The Methods of LadyWalderhurst," "That Lass o' Lowries," "Through One Administration,""Little Lord Fauntleroy" "A Lady of Quality," etc.NEW YORKFREDERICK A. STOKES COMPANYPUBLISHERSCopyright, 1911, byFrances Hodgson BurnettCopyright, .. 2024. 9. 21. 영어 소설 제인 오스틴의 설득 영문 소설 Persuasion Persuasionby Jane Austen(1818)ContentsCHAPTER I.CHAPTER II.CHAPTER III.CHAPTER IV.CHAPTER V.CHAPTER VI.CHAPTER VII.CHAPTER VIII.CHAPTER IX.CHAPTER X.CHAPTER XI.CHAPTER XII.CHAPTER XIII.CHAPTER XIV.CHAPTER XV.CHAPTER XVI.CHAPTER XVII.CHAPTER XVIII.CHAPTER XIX.CHAPTER XX.CHAPTER XXI.CHAPTER XXII.CHAPTER XXIII.CHAPTER XXIV.CHAPTER I.Sir Walter Elliot, of Kellynch Hall, in Somersetshire, was a man w.. 2024. 9. 18. 영어 소설 블레즈 파스칼(Blaise Pascal)의 파스칼의 생각 영문 소설 PASCAL'S PENSÉES PASCAL'S PENSÉESINTRODUCTION BYT. S. ELIOTA Dutton PaperbackNew YorkE. P. DUTTON & CO., INC.This paperback edition of"Pascal's Pensées"Published 1958 by E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in the U. S. A.SBN 0-525-47018-2[Pg vii]INTRODUCTIONIt might seem that about Blaise Pascal, and about the two works on which his fame is founded, everything that there is to say had been said... 2024. 9. 18. 영어 소설 아리스토파네스의 리시스트라타 영문 소설 LYSISTRATA Translated from the Greek of ARISTOPHANESIllustrations by Norman Lindsay FOREWORDLysistrata is the greatest work by Aristophanes. This blank and rash statement is made that it may be rejected. But first let it be understood that I do not mean it is a better written work than the Birds or the Frogs, or that (to descend to the scale of values that will be naturally imputed to me) it has.. 2024. 9. 17. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST