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영문 소설 그라프 레오 톨스토이의 안나 카레니나 영어 소설 ANNA KARENINA ANNA KARENINAby Leo TolstoyTranslated by Constance GarnettContentsPART ONEPART TWOPART THREEPART FOURPART FIVEPART SIXPART SEVENPART EIGHTPART ONEChapter 1Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.Everything was in confusion in the Oblonskys’ house. The wife had discovered that the husband was carrying on an intrigue with a French girl, who had been a governess.. 2024. 9. 13.
영어 소설 아가사 크리스티의 로저 애크로이드 살인 사건 영문 소설 THE MURDER OFROGER ACKROYDBYAGATHA CHRISTIEAUTHOR OFTHE SECRET OF CHIMNEYS,THE MURDER ON THE LINKS, Etc.GROSSET & DUNLAPPUBLISHERS      NEW YORKCopyright, 1926, By DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY, Inc.To Punkie,who likes an orthodox detectivestory, murder, inquest, and suspicionfalling on every one in turn!CONTENTSCHAPTER PAGEIDR. SHEPPARD AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE1IIWHO’S WHO IN KING’S ABBOT7IIITHE MAN WHO.. 2024. 9. 13.
영어 소설 프랑켄슈타인; 또는 현대의 프로메테우스, 메리 울스턴크래프트 셸리 지음 영문소설 FRANKENSTEIN; [Transcriber’s Note: This text was produced from a photo-reprint of the 1818 edition.]FRANKENSTEIN;OR,THE MODERN PROMETHEUS.IN THREE VOLUMES.VOL. I.Did I request thee, Maker, from my clayTo mould me man? Did I solicit theeFrom darkness to promote me?——Paradise Lost.London:PRINTED FORLACKINGTON, HUGHES, HARDING, MAVOR, & JONES,FINSBURY SQUARE.1818.TOWILLIAM GODWIN,AUTHOR OF POLITICAL JUSTICE, CAL.. 2024. 9. 13.
영어 소설 로버트 루이스 스티븐슨의 보물섬 영문 소설 TREASURE ISLANDby Robert Louis Stevenson TREASURE ISLANDby Robert Louis StevensonIllustrated by Louis RheadTREASURE ISLANDPART ONE—The Old BuccaneerI. The Old Sea-dog at the “Admiral Benbow”II. Black Dog Appears and DisappearsIII. The Black SpotIV. The Sea-chestV. The Last of the Blind ManVI. The Captain’s PapersPART TWO—The Sea-cookVII. I Go to BristolVIII. At the Sign of the Spy-glassIX. Powder and ArmsX. The VoyageXI. What I Heard i.. 2024. 9. 13.
영어 소설 산문으로 쓴 크리스마스 캐럴; 찰스 디킨스의 크리스마스 유령 이야기 영문 소설 A Christmas Carol in Prose; Being a Ghost Story of Christmas by Charles Dickens There are several editions of this ebook in the Project Gutenberg collection. Various characteristics of each ebook are listed to aid in selecting the preferred file.Click on any of the filenumbers belowto quickly view each ebook.46(Original First Edition Cover; 1843 Original Illustrations in Color by John Leech)19337(Published in 1905; Illustrations in Black and White by G. A. Williams)24022(Pu.. 2024. 9. 13.
영어 소설 제임스 조이스의 더블리너스 영문 소설 DUBLINERSby James Joyce DUBLINERSby James JoyceContentsThe SistersAn EncounterArabyEvelineAfter the RaceTwo GallantsThe Boarding HouseA Little CloudCounterpartsClayA Painful CaseIvy Day in the Committee RoomA MotherGraceThe DeadTHE SISTERSThere was no hope for him this time: it was the third stroke. Night after night I had passed the house (it was vacation time) and studied the lighted square of window: and night after.. 2024. 9. 12.