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영어 소설 그녀는 정복하기 위해 몸을 굽힌다; 또는, 밤의 실수: 올리버 골드스미스의 코미디 SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER by Oliver GoldsmithShe Stoops To Conquer; Or, The Mistakes Of A Night.A Comedy.To Samuel Johnson, LL.D.Dear Sir,—By inscribing this slight performance to you, I do not mean so much to compliment you as myself. It may do me some honour to inform the public, that I have lived many years in intimacy with you. It may serve the interests of mankind also to inform them, that the .. 2024. 10. 31.
영어 소설 LM 몽고메리의 섬의 앤 Anne of the Island Anne of the Islandby Lucy Maud MontgomeryAll precious things discovered lateTo those that seek them issue forth,For Love in sequel works with Fate,And draws the veil from hidden worth.                    —TENNYSONtoall the girlsall over the worldwho have “wanted more”about ANNECONTENTSChapter I. The Shadow of ChangeChapter II. Garlands of AutumnChapter III. Greeting and FarewellChapter IV. April.. 2024. 10. 31.
영어 소설 윌리엄 제임스의 믿음의 의지와 대중 철학의 다른 에세이 THE WILL TO BELIEVEAND OTHER ESSAYS INPOPULAR PHILOSOPHY THE WILL TO BELIEVE AND OTHER ESSAYS INPOPULAR PHILOSOPHY  BY WILLIAM JAMES   NEW IMPRESSION  LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO.FOURTH AVENUE & 30TH STREET, NEW YORKLONDON, BOMBAY, AND CALCUTTA1912   Copyright, 1896BY WILLIAM JAMES First Edition. February, 1897,Reprinted, May, 1897, September, 1897,March, 1898, August, 1899, June, 1902,January, 1903, May, 1904, June, 1905,March, 1907, April, 1908,Septembe.. 2024. 10. 31.
영어 소설 Anna Sewell의 Black Beauty BLACK BEAUTYThe Autobiography of a Horse by Anna Sewell [English Quaker — 1820-1878.] [Note: 'Black Beauty' was originally published in 1877. This etext was transcribed from an American edition of 1911. Some small corrections were made, after being confirmed against other sources.] To my dear and honored Mother, whose life, no less.. 2024. 10. 31.
영어 소설 Darkwater: WEB Du Bois의 베일 속의 목소리 DARKWATERVoices from within the VeilW.E.B. DU BOIS DARKWATERVoices from within the VeilW.E.B. DU BOISOriginally published in 1920 by Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York.AD NINAMMay 12, 1896POSTSCRIPTThese are the things of which men think, who live: of their own selves and the dwelling place of their fathers; of their neighbors; of work and service; of rule and reason and women and children; of Beauty and Death and War. To this thinking I have.. 2024. 10. 31.
영어 소설 O. Henry의 동방박사의 선물 The Gift of the Magi The Gift of the Magiby O. HenryOne dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one’s cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day .. 2024. 10. 31.