728x90 반응형 SMALL ENGLISH NOVEL & E-BOOK293 영어 소설 AE Housman의 슈롭셔 래드 A SHROPSHIRE LAD A SHROPSHIRE LADBy A. E. HousmanIntroduction by William Stanley Braithwaite1919INTRODUCTIONA SHROPSHIRE LADINTRODUCTIONThe method of the poems in A Shropshire Lad illustrates better than any theory how poetry may assume the attire of reality, and yet in speech of the simplest, become in spirit the sheer quality of loveliness. For, in these unobtrusive pages, there is nothing shunned which makes .. 2024. 10. 31. 영어 소설 하워드 로저 가리스의 '아빠가 우리를 정원으로 데려가다' THE DADDY SERIES FOR LITTLE FOLKSDADDY TAKES USTO THE GARDEN THE DADDY SERIES FOR LITTLE FOLKSDADDY TAKES USTO THE GARDENCONTENTSCHAPTER PAGEIA New Game9IIMaking A Garden20IIIUpside Down Beans34IVThe First Radish49VThe Potatoes' Eyes59VIThe Corn Silk70VIIEarly Tomatoes78VIIIThe Children's Market92IXSammie Plants Tomatoes102XWhite Celery113XIGathering Crops123XIIPumpkin Pie134CHAPTER IA NEW GAME"Mother, what can we do now?""Tell us something to play, pleas.. 2024. 10. 31. 영어 소설 데이비드 흄의 인간 본성에 관한 논설 A TREATISE OF HUMAN NATURE A TREATISE OF HUMAN NATUREBy David HumeCONTENTS ADVERTISEMENT.INTRODUCTION. BOOK I. OF THE UNDERSTANDINGPART I. OF IDEAS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION, CONNEXION, ABSTRACTION, ETC.SECT. I. OF THE ORIGIN OF OUR IDEAS.SECT. II. DIVISION OF THE SUBJECT.SECT. III. OF THE IDEAS OF THE MEMORY AND IMAGINATION.SECT. IV. OF THE CONNEXION OR ASSOCIATION OF IDEAS.SECT. V. OF RELATIONS.SECT. VI. OF MODES AND S.. 2024. 10. 31. 영어 소설 우리는 예브게니 이바노비치 자미아틴 EUGENE ZAMIATINWE EUGENE ZAMIATINWEAuthorized Translation from the RussianByGREGORY ZILBOORGNew YorkE. P. DUTTON & COMPANY681 FIFTH AVENUECopyright, 1924By E. P. Dutton & CompanyAll Rights ReservedPrinted in the United States of AmericaFOREWORDIn submitting this book to the American public the translator has this to say.The artistic and psychological sides of the novel are hardly to be discussed in a preface. Gre.. 2024. 10. 31. 영어 소설 노리치 줄리안의 신성한 사랑의 계시 REVELATIONSof DIVINE LOVE REVELATIONSof DIVINE LOVERecorded by JULIAN,Anchoress at NORWICHANNO DOMINI 1373In lumine tuo videbimus lumenA version from the MS.in the BRITISH MUSEUMedited byGRACE WARRACKMethuen & Company36 Essex Street StrandLondon1901Domini, refugium factus es nobis, a generatione in generationem.Respice in servos tuos, et in opera tua: et dirige filios eorum.Et sit splendor Domini Dei nostri super nos, et.. 2024. 10. 31. 영어 소설 마르셀 프루스트의 스완의 길 SWANN'S WAYRemembrance Of Things Past, Volume One SWANN'S WAYRemembrance Of Things Past, Volume OneBy Marcel ProustTranslated From The French By C. K. Scott MoncrieffNEW YORKHENRY HOLT AND COMPANY1922ContentsOVERTURECOMBRAYSWANN IN LOVEPLACE-NAMES: THE NAMEOVERTUREFor a long time I used to go to bed early. Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep." And half an ho.. 2024. 10. 31. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 49 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST