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영어 소설 오스카 와일드의 행복한 왕자와 다른 이야기들 영문 소설 The Happy PrinceAnd Other TalesBYOSCAR WILDEILLUSTRATED BYWALTER CRANE AND JACOMB HOOD SEVENTH IMPRESSION LONDONDAVID NUTT, 57–59 LONG ACRE1910First EditionMay 1888Second ImpressionJanuary 1889Third ImpressionFebruary 1902Fourth ImpressionSeptember 1905Fifth ImpressionFebruary 1907Sixth ImpressionMarch 1908Seventh ImpressionMarch 1910 TOCARLOS BLACKERContents.The Happy PrinceThe Nightingale and .. 2024. 10. 7.
영어 소설 윌리엄 셰익스피어의 한여름 밤의 꿈 영문 소설 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM 영문 대본 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAMby William ShakespeareContentsACT IScene I. Athens. A room in the Palace of TheseusScene II. The Same. A Room in a CottageACT IIScene I. A wood near AthensScene II. Another part of the woodACT IIIScene I. The Wood.Scene II. Another part of the woodACT IVScene I. The WoodScene II. Athens. A Room in Quince’s HouseACT VScene I. Athens. An Apartment in the Palace of TheseusD.. 2024. 10. 7.
영어 소설 피터 래빗 이야기 by Beatrix Potter 영문 소설 THE TALE OFPETER RABBITBYBEATRIX POTTERFREDERICK WARNEFREDERICK WARNEFirst published 1902Frederick Warne & Co., 1902Printed and bound in Great Britain by William Clowes Limited, Beccles and LondonOnce upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were—Flopsy,Mopsy,Cotton-tail,and Peter.They lived with their Mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir-tree.'Now my d.. 2024. 10. 7.
영어 소설 아서 코난 도일의 공포의 계곡 영문 소설 THE VALLEY OF FEAR THE VALLEY OF FEARBy Sir Arthur Conan DoyleCONTENTSPART I—The Tragedy of BirlstoneChapter I—The WarningChapter II—Sherlock Holmes DiscoursesChapter III—The Tragedy of BirlstoneChapter IV—DarknessChapter V—The People of the DramaChapter VI—A Dawning LightChapter VII—The SolutionPART II—The ScowrersChapter I—The ManChapter II—The BodymasterChapter III—Lodge 341, VermissaChapter IV—The Valley of Fe.. 2024. 10. 7.
영어 소설 샤를 보들레르의 악의 꽃 영문 소설 THE FLOWERS OF EVILbyCHARLES BAUDELAIRE THE FLOWERS OF EVILbyCHARLES BAUDELAIRETRANSLATED INTOENGLISH VERSEBYCYRIL SCOTTLONDONELKIN MATHEWS, VIGO STREETM CM IXDEDICATED TO ARTHUR SYMONSCONTENTSBenedictionEchoesThe Sick MuseThe Venal MuseThe Evil MonkThe EnemyIll LuckInterior LifeMan and the SeaBeautyThe IdealThe GiantessHymn to BeautyExotic PerfumeLa ChevelureSonnet XXVIIIPosthumous RemorseThe BalconyThe Possessed OneSemper EademAll E.. 2024. 10. 7.
영어 소설 허먼 멜빌의 Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-Street Bartleby, The ScrivenerA STORY OF WALL-STREET.by Herman MelvilleI am a rather elderly man. The nature of my avocations for the last thirty years has brought me into more than ordinary contact with what would seem an interesting and somewhat singular set of men, of whom as yet nothing that I know of has ever been written:—I mean the law-copyists or scriveners. I have known very many of them, prof.. 2024. 10. 7.