728x90 반응형 SMALL 영어 소설234 에드먼드 스펜서의 스펜서의 요정 여왕, 1권 SPENSER'STHE FAERIE QUEENEBOOK IEDITED WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTESBYGEORGE ARMSTRONG WAUCHOPE, M.A., Ph.D.PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH IN THE SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGEVelut inter ignes luna minoresNew YorkThe MacMillan CompanyLondon: MacMillan & CO., LTD.Set up and electrotyped. Published September, 19031921CONTENTSINTRODUCTION:I. The Age which produced the Faerie QueeneII. The Author of the Faerie QueeneI.. 2024. 9. 23. Struwwelpeter: Heinrich Hoffmann의 즐거운 이야기와 재미있는 사진 STRUWWELPETERMERRY STORIES AND FUNNY PICTURESHeinrich Hoffman STRUWWELPETERMERRY STORIES AND FUNNY PICTURESHeinrich Hoffman FREDERICK WARNE & CO., INC. NEW YORKCONTENTSMerry Stories And Funny PicturesShock-headed PeterCruel FrederickThe Dreadful Story of Harriet and the MatchesThe Story of the Inky BoysThe Story of the Man that went out ShootingThe Story of Little Suck-a-ThumbThe Story of Augustus, who would not have any SoupThe Story of Fidgety PhilipThe.. 2024. 9. 21. 영문 소설 요한 볼프강 폰 괴테의 젊은 베르테르의 슬픔 영어 소설 THE SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER THE SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER By J.W. von GoetheTranslated by R.D. BoylanEdited by Nathen Haskell DolePREFACEBOOK IBOOK II.PREFACEI have carefully collected whatever I have been able to learn of the story of poor Werther, and here present it to you, knowing that you will thank me for it. To his spirit and character you cannot refuse your admiration and love: to his fate you will not deny your tea.. 2024. 9. 21. 영어 소설 플라톤의 파이드로스 영문 소설 PHAEDRUSBy Plato PHAEDRUS By PlatoTranslated by Benjamin JowettContentsINTRODUCTION.PHAEDRUSINTRODUCTION.The Phaedrus is closely connected with the Symposium, and may be regarded either as introducing or following it. The two Dialogues together contain the whole philosophy of Plato on the nature of love, which in the Republic and in the later writings of Plato is only introduced playfully or as a figure of speec.. 2024. 9. 20. 영어 소설 Michel de Montaigne의 에세이 영문 소설 ESSAYS OFMICHEL DE MONTAIGNE ESSAYS OFMICHEL DE MONTAIGNEPREFACEThe present publication is intended to supply a recognised deficiency in our literature—a library edition of the Essays of Montaigne. This great French writer deserves to be regarded as a classic, not only in the land of his birth, but in all countries and in all literatures. His Essays, which are at once the most celebrated and the most permanent of his produc.. 2024. 9. 20. 영어 소설 러디어드 키플링의 정글북 영문 소설 THE JUNGLE BOOK THE JUNGLE BOOKBy Rudyard Kipling“Little Toomai laid himself down close to the great neck lest a swinging bough should sweep him to the ground.”Mowgli and the lone wolfContentsMowgli’s BrothersHunting-Song of the Seeonee PackKaa’s HuntingRoad-Song of the Bandar-Log“Tiger! Tiger!”Mowgli’s SongThe White SealLukannon“Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”Darzee’s ChantToomai of the ElephantsShiv and the GrasshopperHer .. 2024. 9. 20. 이전 1 ··· 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ··· 39 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST