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영어 소설234

영어 소설 마크 트웨인의 해외의 무고한 사람들 THE INNOCENTS ABROADby Mark Twain[From an 1869—1st Edition] PREFACEThis book is a record of a pleasure trip. If it were a record of a solemn scientific expedition, it would have about it that gravity, that profundity, and that impressive incomprehensibility which are so proper to works of that kind, and withal so attractive. Yet notwithstanding it is only a record of a pic-nic, it has a purpose,.. 2024. 10. 4.
영어 소설 에드거 앨런 포의 아셔가의 몰락 THE FALL OFTHE HOUSE OF USHER THE FALL OFTHE HOUSE OF USHERBYEDGAR ALLAN POESon cœur est un luth suspendu;Sitôt qu’on le touche il résonne. De Béranger.DURING the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening .. 2024. 10. 3.
영어 소설 크세노폰의 아나바시스 ANABASISBy Xenophon ANABASIS By Xenophon Translation by H. G. Dakyns Dedicated To Rev. B. Jowett, M.A. Master of Balliol College Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford Xenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was ex.. 2024. 10. 3.
영어 소설 윌리엄 셰익스피어의 맥베스 MACBETHby William Shakespeare MACBETHby William ShakespeareContentsACT IScene I. An open Place.Scene II. A Camp near Forres.Scene III. A heath.Scene IV. Forres. A Room in the Palace.Scene V. Inverness. A Room in Macbeth’s Castle.Scene VI. The same. Before the Castle.Scene VII. The same. A Lobby in the Castle.ACT IIScene I. Inverness. Court within the Castle.Scene II. The same.Scene III. The same.Scene IV. The same. Without t.. 2024. 10. 3.
영어 소설 아서 코난 도일의 공포의 계곡 THE VALLEY OF FEARBy Sir Arthur Conan Doyle THE VALLEY OF FEARBy Sir Arthur Conan DoyleCONTENTSPART I—The Tragedy of BirlstoneChapter I—The WarningChapter II—Sherlock Holmes DiscoursesChapter III—The Tragedy of BirlstoneChapter IV—DarknessChapter V—The People of the DramaChapter VI—A Dawning LightChapter VII—The SolutionPART II—The ScowrersChapter I—The ManChapter II—The BodymasterChapter III—Lodge 341, VermissaChapter IV—The Valley of Fe.. 2024. 10. 3.
영어 소설 Apicius가 소개하는 로마 제국의 요리와 식사 영문 소설 APICIUSCOOKERY AND DINING IN IMPERIAL ROME APICIUSCOOKERY AND DINING IN IMPERIAL ROMEA Bibliography, Critical Review and Translation of theAncient Book known as Apicius de re CoquinariaNOW FOR THE FIRST TIME RENDERED INTO ENGLISHBYJOSEPH DOMMERS VEHLINGWith a Dictionary of Technical Terms, Many Notes,Facsimiles of Originals, and Views and Sketches ofAncient Culinary Objects Made by the AuthorINTRODUCTION BY PROF. FREDERICK STARRFormerly .. 2024. 10. 3.