728x90 반응형 SMALL 전체 글472 영문 소설 나의 인생 - 리하르트 바그너의 1권 My Life by Richard Wagner My Lifeby Richard WagnerIN TWO VOLUMESVolume 1AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION FROM THE GERMANContentsPREFACECONTENTSMY LIFEPART I. 1813-1842PART II. 1842-1850 (Dresden)PREFACEThe contents of these volumes have been written down directly from my dictation, over a period of several years, by my friend and wife, who wished me to tell her the story of my life. It was the desire of both of us that these detai.. 2024. 8. 29. 영문 소설 Alexandre Dumas와 Auguste Maquet의 20년 후 Twenty Years After Twenty Years AfterBy Alexandre Dumas, PèreSecond Volume of the D’Artagnan SeriesLINKED INDEX OF PROJECT GUTENBERG VOLUMES:ORDERTITLEPG EBOOK#DATESVOLUMECHAPTERS1The Three Musketeers12571625–16281 2Twenty Years After12591648–16492 3The Vicomte de Bragelonne2609166031–754Ten Years Later26811660–1661376–1405Louise de la Valliere271016613141–2086The Man in the Iron Mask27591661–16733209–269[Project .. 2024. 8. 29. 영문 동화 영문 우화 이솝 우화: JH Stickney와 이솝이 쓴 젊은 독자를 위한 버전 Æsop’s FablesA Version forYoung ReadersByJ. H. StickneyIllustrated byCharles Livingston BullGinn and CompanyBoston—New York—Chicago—LondonAtlanta—Dallas—Columbus—San Francisco[ii]COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY GINN AND COMPANYALL RIGHTS RESERVED321.11THE Athenæum PressGINN AND COMPANY·PROPRIETORS·BOSTON·U.S.A. PREFACEHE good fortune which has attended the earlier edition of this book is a proof that there .. 2024. 8. 29. 영문 소설 History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Henry Fielding 헨리 필딩의 '버림받은 아이 톰 존스의 역사' THE HISTORY OF TOM JONES, A FOUNDLINGBy Henry FieldingCONTENTSTHE HISTORY OF TOM JONES, A FOUNDLING. BOOK I. — CONTAINING AS MUCH OF THE BIRTH OF THE FOUNDLING AS IS NECESSARY OR PROPER TO ACQUAINT THE READER WITH IN THE BEGINNING OF THIS HISTORY.Chapter i. — The introduction to the work, or bill of fare to the feast.Chapter ii. — A short description of squire Allworthy, and a fuller account of .. 2024. 8. 28. 영문 소설 The Adventures of Roderick Random by T. Smollett T. Smollett의 Roderick Random의 모험 The Adventures of Roderick Randomby Tobias SmollettContentsTHE AUTHOR’S PREFACEAPOLOGUECHAPTER I.CHAPTER II.CHAPTER III.CHAPTER IV.CHAPTER V.CHAPTER VI.CHAPTER VII.CHAPTER VIII.CHAPTER IX.CHAPTER X.CHAPTER XI.CHAPTER XII.CHAPTER XIII.CHAPTER XIV.CHAPTER XV.CHAPTER XVI.CHAPTER XVII.CHAPTER XVIII.CHAPTER XIX.CHAPTER XX.CHAPTER XXI.CHAPTER XXII.CHAPTER XXIII.CHAPTER XXIV.CHAPTER XXV.CHAPTER XXVI.CH.. 2024. 8. 28. 영문 소설 T. Smollett의 Humphry Clinker의 탐험 THE EXPEDITION OF HUMPHRY CLINKER THE EXPEDITION OF HUMPHRY CLINKER by Tobias SmollettCONTENTS To Mr HENRY DAVIS, Bookseller, in London.To the Revd. Mr JONATHAN DUSTWICH, at—THE EXPEDITION OF HUMPHRY CLINKERTo Dr LEWIS.To Mrs GWYLLIM, house-keeper at Brambleton-hall.To Sir WATKIN PHILLIPS, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon.To Mrs JERMYN at her house in Gloucester.To Miss LAETITIA WILLIS, at Gloucester.To Dr LEWIS.To Miss LYDIA MELFOR.. 2024. 8. 28. 이전 1 ··· 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ··· 79 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST