728x90 반응형 SMALL 전체 글473 영어 소설 크리스토퍼 말로우의 파우스트 박사의 비극적 역사 영문 소설 THE TRAGICAL HISTORYOFDOCTOR FAUSTUS THE TRAGICAL HISTORYOFDOCTOR FAUSTUSBy Christopher MarloweFrom The Quarto of 1604Edited by The Rev. Alexander DyceDRAMATIS PERSONAE.THE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUSFOOTNOTESTHE TRAGICALL HISTORY OF D. FAUSTUS. AS IT HATH BENE ACTED BY THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE EARLE OF NOTTINGHAM HIS SERUANTS. WRITTEN BY CH. MARL.In reprinting this edition, I have here and there amended the text by means of .. 2024. 9. 15. 영어 소설 발미키의 라마얀 영문 소설 The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKITranslated into English Verse The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKITranslated into English VersebyRalph T. H. Griffith, M.A.Principal of the Benares CollegeLondon: Trübner & Co.Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co.1870-1874 Canto I. Nárad.7OM.8To sainted Nárad, prince of thoseWhose lore in words of wisdom flows.Whose constant care and chief delightWere Scripture and ascetic rite,The good Válmíki, first and best[pg 002]Of hermit saints, these word.. 2024. 9. 15. 영어 소설 존 스튜어트 밀의 자유론 영문 소설 On Liberty.ByJohn Stuart Mill. On Liberty.ByJohn Stuart Mill.With an Introduction byW. L. Courtney, LL.D. The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd.London and Felling-on-TyneNew York and Melbourne[Pg v]To the beloved and deplored memory of her who was the inspirer, and in part the author, of all that is best in my writings—the friend and wife whose exalted sense of truth and right was my strongest incitement, and whose approbation.. 2024. 9. 15. 영어 소설 HG 웰스의 타임머신 영문 소설 The Time Machine The Time MachineAn Inventionby H. G. WellsCONTENTSI IntroductionII The MachineIII The Time Traveller ReturnsIV Time TravellingV In the Golden AgeVI The Sunset of MankindVII A Sudden ShockVIII ExplanationIX The MorlocksX When Night CameXI The Palace of Green PorcelainXII In the DarknessXIII The Trap of the White SphinxXIV The Further VisionXV The Time Traveller’s ReturnXVI After t.. 2024. 9. 15. 영어 소설 크리슈나-드와이파야나 비아사(Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa)의 마하바라타, 1권(Kisari Mohan Ganguli) 영문 소 THE MAHABHARATAofKrishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa VOLUME 1 BOOKS 1 to 3 Translated into English Prose from the Original Sanskrit TextbyKisari Mohan Ganguli[1883-1896] The text file scanned at sacred-texts.com, 2003, and proofed at Distributed Proofing, Juliet Sutherland, Project Manager. Additional proofing and formatting of the text file at sacred-texts.com, by J. B. Hare.FOOTNOTESBOOK ONE TRANSLATOR’S.. 2024. 9. 15. 영어 소설 킹 제임스 성경 영문 소설 The King James Version of the Bible The King James Version of the BibleThe Old Testament of the King James Version of the BibleThe First Book of Moses: Called GenesisThe Second Book of Moses: Called ExodusThe Third Book of Moses: Called LeviticusThe Fourth Book of Moses: Called NumbersThe Fifth Book of Moses: Called DeuteronomyThe Book of JoshuaThe Book of JudgesThe Book of RuthThe First Book of SamuelThe Second Book of SamuelThe .. 2024. 9. 15. 이전 1 ··· 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ··· 79 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST